
August 26, 2015

Expats in China Say They Don’t Fit in With Locals (but the Pay is Good)

by Charles Liu

The NanfangToday, 10:22 AM

According to this year’s Expat Insider survey by InterNations, the world’s largest network for people who live abroad, China is among the most popular destinations for expats looking to work abroad. China ranks third behind only Malta and the USA in the “Working Abroad” Index.

See Also: China’s Typical Expat: Male, Doesn’t Speak Chinese, and Loves It Here

The annual survey polled more than 14,300 people in 195 countries and territories. China’s high ranking was due in large part to salary: three out of four expats in China are happy with their pay, and nine out of ten say they have more than enough disposable income.

See Also: 25% of Expats in China Make Over US$300,000 a Year

But, the news wasn’t all good. Expats in China claimed to have trouble fitting in with locals, and prefered to associate only with other expats. Moreover, only 50 percent of those surveyed say they feel at home in China, which ranks 56th out of 64 in the “Ease of Settling In” Index.

This past January, the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs launched its own survey of expat workers in the country. The survey found that the average expat in China was male, unable to speak Chinese, and was very happy to be living in the country.

According to the government survey, over 70 percent of the 2,000 professional expat workers that responded say they are very satisfied with their lives. When asked what conditions could be improved, the survey found that 56.9 percent of respondents want better compensation, despite many expat employers reporting they are unable to meet those demands.

See Also: Coke Now Paying Expat Staff Extra To Deal With China’s Air Pollution

The government report notably failed to mention air pollution, an issue so important to some expat workers that Western companies are offering “hazard pay” bonuses to those willing to work in China’s big polluted cities.

The post Expats in China Say They Don’t Fit in With Locals (but the Pay is Good) appeared first on The Nanfang.