Conan O'Brien pretends to attack someone with imaginary breasts. Photo: TBS
US late night comedians lap up breast assault joke
After the foreign media carried Ng Lai-ying’s breast assault conviction, it didn’t take long for US late night comedians to pick up the story and run with it.
Conan O’Brien did the honors Tuesday night.
“In Hong Kong, a woman was sent to prison for assaulting a police officer with her breasts,” he told a studio audience.
“The police officer is demanding an apology and that she do it again.”
That’s as big a joke as some Hong Kong men saw it.
On Sunday, they stripped to their waist and paraded in bras in front of police headquarters to show their indignation at the conviction.
Lai was sentenced by a magistrate to three months and 15 days behind bars for assaulting an officer, using her breasts as a weapon.
She is preparing an appeal.
We didn’t see the original O’Brien clip but thanks to activist Avery Ng Man-yuen, who posted it on Facebook, we know it was good for a laugh.
Men wear bra to protest woman’s breast assault conviction (Aug. 3, 2015)
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Protesters wearing bras rally outside police headquarters to oppose the assault conviction of Ng Lai-ying. Photo: HKEJ