
March 20, 2016

Finance Committee approves HK$23.2b in funding - RTHK - Express NewsYesterday, 22:12
  • The Finance Committee approved four more funding requests in a marathon session on Saturday. Photo: RTHK

    The Finance Committee approved four more funding requests in a marathon session on Saturday. Photo: RTHK

The Legislative Council’s Finance Committee has approved four more funding requests after spending eight hours scrutinising HK$23.2 billion worth of requests in another marathon session on Saturday. 

The funding requests comprise HK$12.8 billion for the Capital Works Reserve Fund, HK$380 million in supplementary funding for health vouchers for the elderly, Elderly Health Care Vouchers, a HK$10-billion endowment fund for the Hospital Authority for Public-Private Partnership Initiatives and a 4.41 per-cent service pay adjustment for judges and judicial officers.

Earlier on Saturday, the Finance Committee Chairman, Chan Kin-por, rejected motions from People's Power lawmaker Albert Chan and Leung Kwok-hung from League of Social Democrats motion to adjourn the meeting earlier in the afternoon. 

Mr Chan said on Friday that the administration planned to reshuffle the items on its agenda, and focus on less controversial and livelihood issues first. Under the new arrangement, lower priority would be given to such items as the police computer system and the Kennedy Town sewage works.

He said the government made the decision after meeting with pro-establishment and pan-democrat lawmakers.