
March 15, 2016

Fungus found in samples of five Hong Kong patients after test device not properly disinfected in public hospital

None of the patients in the internal medicine ward were infected and all were discharged

UPDATED : Tuesday, 15 March, 2016, 8:00am

A fungus was found in the samples of five patients at the public Ruttonjee Hospital as a medical tool used to take tests was not properly disinfected, the Hospital Authority announced on Monday night.

None of the patients in the internal medicine ward were infected and all have been discharged.

The hospital in Wan Chai first noticed the fungus in patients’ samples between March 1 and 8, when they were given a bronchoscopy test, which is used for viewing a person’s airways and diagnosing lung disease.

University of Hong Kong microbiologist Yuen Kwok-yung and his team were asked to investigate the fungus. The incident has been reported to the Centre for Health Protection.

“According to the opinion of experts, the impact of the fungus on patients was minimal except for those with immunity problems,” the Hospital Authority said in a statement.

Thorough disinfection was carried out on the device. The hospital has halted use of the tool since March 10.

Patients requiring the test have been redirected to another hospital.

An investigation would be carried out to determine the cause of the problem, the authority said.