
March 18, 2016

Ricky Chu hopes IPCC will remain fair and neutral - RTHK - Express NewsToday, 12:54
  • Ricky Chu says IPCC has drawn flak ever since the Occupy Movement in 2014. File photo: RTHK

    Ricky Chu says IPCC has drawn flak ever since the Occupy Movement in 2014. File photo: RTHK

The Secretary-General of the Independent Police Complaint Council Ricky Chu said on Friday that his successor should show the public that the police watchdog is neutral and fair, and will not side with the police when handling complaints. 

He announced on Thursday that he will leave the watchdog body after his contract expires in January next year and the commission decided to launch an open recruitment to find his successor. 

Talking to RTHK after appearing in a radio programme, Chu said ever since the Occupy Movement in 2014, the public has started to link the watchdog's decisions with politics. But he stressed that the commission's operation will stay independent of any political considerations.

“I can guarantee that IPCC will stay independent and neutral as our system dictates that we would adopt a strict approach in analysing all available evidence and legal arguments in deciding the outcome of a complaint. We’re not affected by any factors other than those mentioned,” he said.

Chu on Thursday had rejected speculation that his decision to leave the body had anything to do with his ties with IPCC's chairman, Larry Kwok.