
March 16, 2016

Albert Lai blasts govt over house demolitions - RTHK - Express NewsToday, 11:26
  • Albert Lai says the government's partnership with the private sector led to the illegal demolition of homes. Photo:  RTHK

    Albert Lai says the government's partnership with the private sector led to the illegal demolition of homes. Photo: RTHK

Albert Lai talks to RTHK's Mike Weeks

The convenor of the Professional Commons think tank, Albert Lai, said on Wednesday the government's move to public-private partnership in the development of the northeast New Territories is responsible for the illegal demolition of homes in Kwu Tung. 

Several makeshift houses that had been built long ago in the village near Sheung Shui, were flattened by bulldozers on Monday while the inhabitants were out. Some of the residents say they've been harassed over the past 20 years with the land they live on the source of constant legal battles over ownership. 

Lai told RTHK’s Mike Weeks that if this type of action is allowed in Hong Kong the basic concept of private property will no longer exist.