
July 26, 2015

"Even though my home is small, we are a happy family."

Real Hong Kong News

Migrants from china frequently complain of hardship and difficulty in integrating into Hong Kong. Glory and Joy from Congo must have found it even harder. Their father Lukala was a professional footballer who came to Hong Kong in 2008 and had seen service in two first division football leagues. Now at 41, Lukala is a football coach. With dwindling and unsteady income, the family of five moved from Regent Garden in Kowloon Bay to a 200 sq ft partition flat on 8/F in a walk-up building in To Kwa Wan. Glory and Joy stay home most of the time due to financial constraints.

On Saturdays, the boys go to Kai Ching Estate Community Centre for free Rope Skipping Course sponsored by InspiringHK Sports Foundation and have a chance to integrate with the locals mostly from grass root families. The instructor Jimmy, former member of Hong Kong Rope Skipping Team said, "Compare to the local children, they are more active during and after class. They are willing to try more while the Hong Kong children need prompting."

Lukalu does not explain much about the financial situation to Glory and Joy but teaches his boys to be optimistic, "We do have difficulty sometimes, but I thank god. We will keep going." Glory, the elder brother said, "I must walk long stairs home every time and I feel exhausted. But I am happy. Even though my home is small, we are a happy family."

(Source & video: Apple Daily