
September 30, 2014

Is this the same CY who denied backing a crackdown on marchers?

Henry Tang (right) points at Leung Chun-ying in their 2012 election debate. Photo: TVB


Is this the same CY who denied backing a crackdown on marchers?

The past has come back to haunt Leung Chun-ying.

In a 2012 chief executive election debate, Henry Tang asked Leung a pointed question.

Did he or did he not recommend sending riot police against demonstrators protesting a proposed anti-subversion law in 2003?

Leung, who was then convenor of the Executive Council, said he did not.

“You’re lying,” Tang snapped back.

Fast forward 11 years and you have police in full riot gear armed with pepper spray bearing down on pro-democracy activists.

In the ongoing student movement, some protesters have been forcibly removed and arrests have been made.

This time, Leung is in charge.

Now we know Leung is prepared to use force to crush protesters.

We dread what he might do next. Secretly ask China to send the PLA?

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A phalanx of policemen in full riot gear stands behind barriers in the protest area. Photo: RTHK

Riot police remove protesters from a pedestrian overpass near government headquarters on Saturday Photo: RTHK

Protesters shield themselves with umbrellas as police use pepper spray to hold them back. Photo: RTHK