From Coconuts HK
Though the teach-in has been highly organised, with glossy pamphlets, public lecture schedules, speakers, and tents, the students took the opportunity to kick off their shoes and enjoy the grassy lawn.
At times, one could forget one was not at some hip, chilled music festival (if one could ignore the professors' voices blaring over the loudspeakers).
Students held the second day of the teach-in in Tamar Park, at the foot of the Central Government Complex and the LegCo Complex
Check out our photos from the student boycott and teach-in on its second day, on Sep. 23.
Volunteer professors gave public lectures on topics like "Financialization and Economic Inequality in Hong Kong", "The International Human Rights Standards on Universal Suffrage", and "Liberty".
Not only students attended: people from all walks of life came to show their support and to take advantage of the free lectures
Perhaps these people wanted to take photographic proof of their presence at a historical event, perhaps.
"Better to protest and die, than to keep silent and live", says the intense black banner.
One booth offered free quick portraits for supporters of the student boycott.
Beginning to work on a portrait.
A supporter signs her name on a banner.
The IFC and the new ferris wheel provide a picturesque background for the teach-in. The black banner says "if you don't burst out of the silence then you will perish in the silence".
Students tried to contribute to the teach-in in many ways, for example by proviidng musical entertainment.
In this impossible homemade game/satirical art installation , participants aimed paper airplanes at holes cut into boxes with different labels, like "real universal suffrage", "adhere to Hong Kong borders", "free migration policies", and "cancel functional constituencies" (the professional or special interest groups that elect 30 LegCo seats).
A student checks the public lecture schedule on his computer.
There was a definite sentiment of solidarity and camaraderie in the crowd.
Students rest along a wall from which hangs a banner that says "Disobey".
A mother helping her young son with her homework while exposing him to the movement.
The boycott continues through this Friday. Fight on, students!