By Isaac Cheung July 15, 2015 / 15:59 HKT
Chief Executive C.Y. Leung is all a-glow after claiming that Beijing is “very satisfied” with his performance following a meeting with National People’s Congress chairman Zhang Dejiang on a two day-trip to Beijing, reports Ming Pao.
In a 12-minute speech after the meeting, Leung insisted FIVE separate times that the chairman said he was pleased with his performance and would support him and his administration to rule in accordance with the law, reports SCMP.
That rounds out to about one mention every 2.4 minutes, or just often enough for us to think that he might be overcompensating for something.
Because… anytime your administration oversees one of the most crippling and iconic protests of all time and one of the most embarrassing political blunders of all time, that’s a job well done, naturally.
Reports suggest that the chairman also said that he thinks C.Y.’s super-duper handsome and totes his fave chief exec of all time.
Leung so far has made no public comment that he is seeking a second term, and when asked if the meeting was essentially a blessing for his re-election, he only said he would make the greatest effort to serve Hong Kong “if there is room and opportunity”.
The C.E. also left room to throw a subtle jab at the Hong Kong media, saying we habitually cook crooked stories, most recently concerning false reports that he would step down next January to ease tensions.
Just to be clear, we did indeed make that bit up at C.Y. being handsome and the best C.E. of all time. All the rest is true.
Photo: Screenshot from Ming Pao