
October 05, 2015

Liberals to stay away from Legco committees battle

  • Felix Chung says the Liberal Party will not join other pro-government parties in their tactics to regain control of key Legislative Council committees. RTHK file photo
    Felix Chung says the Liberal Party will not join other pro-government parties in their tactics to regain control of key Legislative Council committees. RTHK file photo
The chairman of the Liberal Party, Felix Chung, says his party is not interested in following its pro-establishment allies in trying to take control of the various Legislative Council committees by joining them en masse.

That was the tactic the pan-democrats adopted in controlling two funding-related subcommittees last year.

But other pro-establishment parties sought to downplay the rift between them and the Liberal Party, saying they respected its decision.

Chung said lawmakers from his party will not join the committees just for the sake of engaging in more battles with pan-democratic legislators. 

The Liberal Party’s ties with other pro-government parties became strained after five lawmakers from the party decided to stay away when a vote was taken on the government's political reform package in June.

Meanwhile, the lawmaker representing the insurance sector, Chan Kin-por, has been designated by pro-establishment parties to chair the council's Finance Committee.