
October 06, 2015

Police want to be your friend - on Facebook

  • Part of the image atop the Facebook page.
    Part of the image atop the Facebook page.
The police have set up a Facebook page, part of attempts to improve their image following criticism of the way they handled the pro-democracy Occupy protests last year. 

Spokeswoman Catherine Kwan says the page is a way for the public to learn about the police. However, she said they would look out for any inappropriate remarks. 

Ms Kwan said highlights of the Facebook page include events the force holds and anti-crime messages, as well as a daily newsline hosted by spokesman Chief Superintendent Steve Hui. 

The page, apart from already receiving thousands of likes, has also attracted many comments, some of which inquired about when the seven police officers caught on video assaulting an Occupy protester late last year would be charged.