Ralph Jennings, Contributor
I cover under-reported stories from Taiwan and Asia. FULL BIO
9/08/2014 @ 7:56PM |4,516 views
China, Losing Patience, Takes Swipe At Taiwan's Economic Expansion
Taiwan officials have assured their people over the past four years that economic deals with China will inspire Beijing to let other major countries sign their own, busting tariffs around the world to help the island’s cramped export sector. Please disregard for now, the line goes, that China wants to take charge of self-ruled Taiwan politically someday. Taiwan needs new liberalization deals, including with its No. 1 trade partner China, to break down expensive import-export barriers as peers in Asia have done.
China doesn’t look inspired. Its ambassador to Malaysia was widely quoted last month saying the Southeast Asian country must avoid a free trade agreement with Taiwan. China can ask its 170-plus diplomatic allies, basically Malaysia and most of the world, to snub Taiwan with the veiled threat of economic reprisals if they don’t. No one wants a reprisal from the world No. 2 economy. Malaysia wasn’t negotiating with Taiwan, at least not publicly, but was open to talks if China said OK. Malaysia is still looking into what the Chinese ambassador, Huang Huikang, meant in his speech. Taiwan’s economic affairs minister retorted that his government doesn’t need China’s consent to negotiate trade deals.
“By asking Malaysia not to sign an FTA with Taiwan, China wants to reiterate her final say in all Taiwan’s external relationship matters,” says Leonard Chu, retired China studies professor at National Chengchi University in Taipei.
Evergreen Kaohsiung Container Terminal, a hub for exports leaving Taiwan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The ambassador may have meant simply that Malaysia can’t sign an FTA in name but could pursue a trade liberalization deal with less diplomatic fanfare that still cuts tariffs between the Indochinese palm oil-producer and the island that exports electronics and machinery. Malaysia was Taiwan’s eighth biggest trading partner last year with a total of $16.3 billion in total import and exports. “It may be that in the end the PRC would oppose a Malaysia-Taiwan economic cooperation agreement on some grounds, but I don’t take the ambassador’s statement as necessarily indicating that it would,” says Alan Romberg, East Asia Program director at US think tank The Stimson Center. He adds that “one needs to be a little careful about how to parse a statement such as the PRC ambassador to Malaysia’s.”
Other China-Taiwan observers fear the comment hides a deeper anger in Beijing. Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has set aside old political disputes since taking office in 2008 to build trust through trade and investment talks. China claims sovereignty over Taiwan, sowing a deep, 60-plus-year dispute that had caused military friction and choked any dialogue under earlier Taiwan presidents. But Ma’s détente has worn thin because of a refusal to talk about the sticky political issues per Beijing’s request.
Add to that, the parliament dominated by Ma’s ruling Nationalist Party lacks the nerve to ratify a service trade liberalization deal signed by the two sides in mid-2013. Protesters stopped a ratification move in March by occupying parliament and ratification hasn’t returned to the agenda since then. Ma’s government wants a trade-in-goods agreement with China next, potentially cutting thousands of tariffs, but Beijing’s negotiator indicated last week his side can do nothing until parliament in Taipei clears the service trade deal – a perk for Taiwanese banks, tour operators and medical services.
China’s negotiator also made clear this week that Beijing would probably finish an FTA with the island’s chief economic rival South Korea before delving into a goods trade pact with Taiwan. The South Korea deal is 90% complete, he was quoted saying in Taiwanese media. “I think the Chinese are insisting that more cross-Strait agreements be passed before Taiwan can sign additional bilateral agreement with other countries,” says Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for Asia under the US think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies.