
September 08, 2015

Study highlights ignorance about flu - RTHK

  • Henry Kwok (1st L) said it is best to get vaccinated and lead a healthy lifestyle. Photo: RTHK
    Henry Kwok (1st L) said it is best to get vaccinated and lead a healthy lifestyle. Photo: RTHK
Henry Kwok talks to RTHK's Yvonne Lou
A study found that people aged 50 or above are generally unaware of the risk that flu can develop into pneumonia, which last year killed nearly 7,500 people in Hong Kong.

The study was commissioned by the Hong Kong Practicing Specialist Association and conducted by the University of Hong Kong. 

Among the 507 people interviewed, nearly 70 percent said they go to work as usual when they have flu, while 40 percent said they would not give up smoking. 

A specialist in respiratory medicine Henry Kwok advised people in the age group to get vaccinated against flu for the upcoming peak season in winter.