
October 06, 2015

Donald Tsang charges serious, says Dennis Kwok

  • Former Chief Executive Donald Tsang (R) with his wife Selina Tsang (L). Photo: RTHK
    Former Chief Executive Donald Tsang (R) with his wife Selina Tsang (L). Photo: RTHK
Dennis Kwok
Former Chief Executive Donald Tsang has spent his first night out on bail after being charged with misconduct in public office. Barrister and Civic Party lawmaker Dennis Kwok explained that while Mr Tsang had not been charged with corruption, the allegations were still serious. 

“Misconduct in public offence is no doubt a very serious offence in the common law,” he said. “If convicted, he could be looking at a jail sentence, so it’s not, as some suggest, a lesser charge than full-on corruption.”

Mr Kwok also said the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance doesn’t apply to the Chief Executive