
October 05, 2015

Families plan civil case over Lamma ferry disaster

  • The families of the ferry disaster victims want access to an internal document of the government. RTHK file photo
    The families of the ferry disaster victims want access to an internal document of the government. RTHK file photo
Democratic Party lawmaker James To, who has been helping the relatives of those who died in the 2012 Lamma ferry disaster, said on Monday that they were planning to take civil action. 

He said by bringing such a case to court, they would probably be able to get full access to the Transport Department’s internal report into the incident - a document which may point to negligence by certain Marine Department officials. 

Last week, the Secretary for Justice, Rimsky Yuen, said there was not enough evidence to prosecute more officials. 

Earlier this year, the coxswains of the two boats involved were jailed separately for manslaughter and endangering safety at sea.

The government released the full report of the Commission of Inquiry into the disaster last Thursday. 

The accident on October 1, 2012 resulted in 39 deaths.