
October 05, 2015

Insufficient evidence on trips taken by Tsang

  • The media waits outside Eastern Court for Donald Tsang's arrival. Photo: RTHK
    The media waits outside Eastern Court for Donald Tsang's arrival. Photo: RTHK
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued a statement saying there was not enough evidence to charge former chief executive Donald Tsang over allegations linked to his holiday trips.

Media reports had revealed that Tsang had taken the trips on private jets and yachts provided by business friends while in office. But the DOJ said there was simply insufficient evidence to charge him over these reports. 

Tsang had admitted making the trips, but insisted that he had paid the market price for them, and that there was no conflict of interest involved.

The DOJ said the decision to prosecute Tsang over the leasing of a luxury flat in Shenzhen was made after careful consideration and after getting independent legal advice from an overseas Queen's Counsel. 

During Tsang's appearance in Eastern Court in the afternoon, the prosecution said 4,000 pages of documents were involved in the investigation. It also said there were 24 witnesses - including 14 government officials, three investigators from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and seven civilians. 

Tsang is currently on ICAC bail of HK$100,000.