
October 06, 2015

'Anti-graft law should apply to chief executives'

  • A former chief investigator with the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Stephen Char (left) says the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance should be amended so that it could be applied to Hong Kong's chief executive. Photo: RTHK
    A former chief investigator with the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Stephen Char (left) says the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance should be amended so that it could be applied to Hong Kong's chief executive. Photo: RTHK
Stephen Char speaks to RTHK's Janice Wong
A former chief investigator with the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Stephen Char, has called on the government to amend the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (PBO) so that it could be applied to Hong Kong's chief executive. 

Speaking on a radio programme, Char said it was unreasonable for the territory’s leader to be exempted from regulations on accepting advantages because everybody should be equal before the law. 

Senior Counsel Ronny Tong agreed, saying the prosecution of former chief executive Donald Tsang for misconduct in public office, has sparked public concern over the integrity of the territory's leaders.

He said the PBO must be reviewed so that a chief executive will be subject to a higher level of scrutiny. 

But the government’s Administration Wing said on Monday that it is still looking into the feasibility of amending the PBO. It said the matter involves constitutional, legal and operational issues and must be considered very carefully.