
July 31, 2014

Watch: What is happening in Hong Kong?

What is happening in Hong Kong? 
(中英雙字幕 Chi/Eng)

Sims Dog

Jun 30, 2014感謝原作者的努力,没有原作者,就没有此影片,此乃中文翻譯版,已經過原作者的檢閱和修正,原片來自: 


1. Why this is important to me

The Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed in 1984 as a pledge of the British government to the people of Hong Kong that the rights of Hongkongers after 1997, the existing capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years.

But the real situation was far from the truth. 
In 17 years, under Chinese rule, Hong Kong appears to be even more 'colonial' than the British era. Chinese rule has led to the suppression of human rights and freedom of speech and press, loss of our border control, the deliberate un-checked immigration, the border opening in the North East New Territories, elimination of local culture, deterioration of rule of law, daily recourse, endangering personal safety and sovereignty to the 7 million Hongkongers. Introduction of brainwashing patriotic and nationalistic elements across all subjects in education, pro-China rhetoric and distorted history in the museums are only two of the many means China and its government conduct cultural genocide in Hong Kong. We, the Hong Kong people, have no choice and no say even though we have been trying to voice out our opinions, which are ignored by the Hong Kong government. There seems not much else we can do except to quietly accept this fate dictated on us by others. As a matter of fact, CCP has never stopped openly tightening its control over the internal affairs in Hong Kong, yet the British government, turns a blind eye to what has truly been happening in Hong Kong and issues bi-annual report time after time insisting that the so-called “One Country, Two Systems” has been working fine over the past 16 years.

The White Paper issued by the Chinese government on 10th June, 2014 sounded the death knell, stating 'the Beijing government has "comprehensive jurisdiction" over Hong Kong. The State Council has called for vigilance against external forces making use of Hong Kong to intervene in China's internal affairs. The information office, called for the suppression of "the very few people" that collude with outside forces to damage the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong. It also noted that some deep-seated conflicts were gaining greater prominence, and different sectors should try to resolve them collectively. China could not even bother to wait through the promised 50 years until 2047 to tear off the mask and guise. One Country Two Systems was certified dead well before the due date.

Hong Kong should be protected by the The Sino-British Joint Declaration as well as The Basic Law. Now that China has, without doubt nor hesitation, nullified The Declaration and breached The Basic Law by putting forward their White Paper. It is time for the British government to face up to its responsibility and interfere. Together with the international community and United Nation, Britain should pressure upon China to return Hong Kong. There are more than 3 million British nationals in Hong Kong. Our nationality is British. We are not Chinese by identity, language, culture, and loyalty.

I urge you to please sign this petition to end the Chinese occupation and colonisation.
Thank you!





無論你是想要台灣獨立、回歸英國或是在中國的權勢下自治,只要反對中國殖民及佔領 ,你應該簽署這份請願書或者任何能表達你怨恨的請願書。

2. Hong Kong Problem on One country, Two systems

Responsible department: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
In 10 June 2014, the Beijing Government issued a white paper delineating the progress of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy and the establishment of the Special Administrative Region System of HK. 
We found that the recent White Paper had great contradictions to the most recent reports released from the FCO.
According to the White Paper: “As a unitary state, China’s central government has comprehensive jurisdiction over all local administrative regions, including the HKSAR” We doubt “One country, Two systems” is threatened or even abolished. 
As the most recent Six Monthly Report on HK is not released and the Foreign Secretary has no proper response to this White Paper. 
We are demanding a debate, with attendance of the Foreign Secretary to explain the current HK situations in all aspects, clarify the issues aroused from the White Paper, and express the point of view from the British 
Government to the Members of the Parliament and the HK Citizens.
